

UIButton是一个类簇(Class Clusters)?

类簇用通俗一点讲就是一个public的抽象类加上一些private的私有类构成的,它是对一些实现细节进行隐藏,而对外公开的行为进行统一的一种设计。相信大家在平常工作中多少有注意到一些蛛丝马迹。例如我们常用的NSNumber, NSArray, NSDictionary以及NSString等,而这些都是总所周知。

然而就UIButton是不是类簇,本王就纠结了。To be or not to be, that's a question. 这时候就应该装逼了,搬出莎士比亚这句话。 顺带就带着这个来说说类簇的问题。关于为什么纠结呢?因为很多地方包括书籍都提到UIButton是类簇,而我再Stack Overflow却找到这样一段话:

UIButton is not a class cluster at all. A class cluster is represented by a public abstract class, that means no instance variables, with a bunch of private concrete subclasses that provide the implementation of the abstract methods of the abstract class. UIButton on the other hand is a concrete class, none of its methods is abstract, and it has instance variables to store the value you pass through its arguments. The only problematic part is that +buttonWithType can instantiate subclasses instead of UIButton directly, thus it can be seen as a factory method, not a class-cluster...

然后我就懵逼了,根据类簇大体的概念我们知道至少说如果UIButton是一个抽象类的话,那么应该还存在一些private的私有类来实现具体的细节。那么我们的任务就是就是找到这些私有类,之前看了@我就叫Sunny怎么了 的一篇文章从NSArray看类簇后发现至少UIButton中没办法用这种方法,于是就想说用LLDB断点一下,用了下面这条命令:

breakpoint set -F '+[UIButton buttonWithType:]'  


UIKit`+[UIButton buttonWithType:]:  
->  0x1063251e5 <+0>:    pushq  %rbp
..... // 省略
    0x106325297 <+178>:  movq   0x972c02(%rip), %rdi      ; (void *)0x0000000106cbabf8: UIButton
    0x10632529e <+185>:  movq   0x93cf6b(%rip), %rsi      ; "alloc"
    0x1063252a5 <+192>:  movq   0x9c0f34(%rip), %rbx      ; (void *)0x0000000105650800: objc_msgSend
    0x1063252ac <+199>:  callq  *%rbx
    0x1063252ae <+201>:  movq   0x93ce2b(%rip), %rsi      ; "initWithFrame:"
..... // 省略
    0x10632531c <+311>:  movq   0x97427d(%rip), %rdi      ; (void *)0x0000000106cbad10: UIPopoverButton
    0x106325323 <+318>:  movq   0x93cee6(%rip), %rsi      ; "alloc"
    0x10632532a <+325>:  movq   0x9c0eaf(%rip), %rbx      ; (void *)0x0000000105650800: objc_msgSend
    0x106325331 <+332>:  callq  *%rbx
    0x106325333 <+334>:  movq   0x9557a6(%rip), %rsi      ; "initWithFrame:buttonType:"
    0x10632533a <+341>:  movq   -0x38(%rbp), %rcx
..... // 省略
    0x1063253c5 <+480>:  movq   0x9741c4(%rip), %rdi      ; (void *)0x0000000106cbac48: UIRoundedRectButton
    0x1063253cc <+487>:  jmp    0x106325553               ; <+878>
    0x1063253d1 <+492>:  movb   %r14b, -0x81(%rbp)
    0x1063253d8 <+499>:  movq   0x972ac1(%rip), %rdi      ; (void *)0x0000000106cbabf8: UIButton
    0x1063253df <+506>:  jmp    0x106325553               ; <+878>
    0x1063253e4 <+511>:  movb   %r14b, -0x81(%rbp)
    0x1063253eb <+518>:  movq   %rbx, -0x80(%rbp)
    0x1063253ef <+522>:  movq   0x973262(%rip), %rdi      ; (void *)0x0000000106cb45a0: UINavigationButton
    0x1063253f6 <+529>:  movq   0x93ce13(%rip), %rsi      ; "alloc"
    0x1063253fd <+536>:  movq   0x9c0ddc(%rip), %rbx      ; (void *)0x0000000105650800: objc_msgSend
    0x106325404 <+543>:  callq  *%rbx
    0x106325406 <+545>:  movq   0x9556cb(%rip), %rsi      ; "initWithTitle:style:"
    0x10632540d <+552>:  xorl   %edx, %edx
    0x10632540f <+554>:  xorl   %ecx, %ecx
    0x106325411 <+556>:  jmp    0x106325475               ; <+656>
    0x106325413 <+558>:  movb   %r14b, -0x81(%rbp)
    0x10632541a <+565>:  movq   %rbx, -0x80(%rbp)
    0x10632541e <+569>:  movq   0x973233(%rip), %rdi      ; (void *)0x0000000106cb45a0: UINavigationButton
    0x106325425 <+576>:  movq   0x93cde4(%rip), %rsi      ; "alloc"
    0x10632542c <+583>:  movq   0x9c0dad(%rip), %rbx      ; (void *)0x0000000105650800: objc_msgSend
    0x106325433 <+590>:  callq  *%rbx
    0x106325435 <+592>:  movq   0x95569c(%rip), %rsi      ; "initWithTitle:style:"
    0x10632543c <+599>:  xorl   %edx, %edx
    0x10632543e <+601>:  movl   $0x1, %ecx
    0x106325443 <+606>:  jmp    0x106325475               ; <+656>
    0x106325445 <+608>:  movb   %r14b, -0x81(%rbp)
    0x10632544c <+615>:  movq   %rbx, -0x80(%rbp)
    0x106325450 <+619>:  movq   0x973201(%rip), %rdi      ; (void *)0x0000000106cb45a0: UINavigationButton
    0x106325457 <+626>:  movq   0x93cdb2(%rip), %rsi      ; "alloc"
    0x10632545e <+633>:  movq   0x9c0d7b(%rip), %rbx      ; (void *)0x0000000105650800: objc_msgSend
    0x106325465 <+640>:  callq  *%rbx
    0x106325467 <+642>:  movq   0x95566a(%rip), %rsi      ; "initWithTitle:style:"
..... // 省略
    0x10632549e <+697>:  movq   0x9740f3(%rip), %rdi      ; (void *)0x0000000106cbacc0: UITexturedButton
    0x1063254a5 <+704>:  jmp    0x106325553               ; <+878>
    0x1063254aa <+709>:  movb   %r14b, -0x81(%rbp)
    0x1063254b1 <+716>:  movq   %rbx, -0x80(%rbp)
    0x1063254b5 <+720>:  movq   0x9740d4(%rip), %rdi      ; (void *)0x0000000106cbac48: UIRoundedRectButton
    0x1063254bc <+727>:  movq   0x93cd4d(%rip), %rsi      ; "alloc"
    0x1063254c3 <+734>:  movq   0x9c0d16(%rip), %r14      ; (void *)0x0000000105650800: objc_msgSend
..... // 省略
    0x106325538 <+851>:  movq   0x974069(%rip), %rdi      ; (void *)0x0000000106cbad60: _UIPlacardButton
    0x10632553f <+858>:  jmp    0x106325553               ; <+878>
    0x106325541 <+860>:  movb   %r14b, -0x81(%rbp)
    0x106325548 <+867>:  movq   %rbx, -0x80(%rbp)
    0x10632554c <+871>:  movq   0x97405d(%rip), %rdi      ; (void *)0x0000000106cbadb0: _UIShortPlacardButton
    0x106325553 <+878>:  movq   0x93ccb6(%rip), %rsi      ; "alloc"
    0x10632555a <+885>:  movq   0x9c0c7f(%rip), %rbx      ; (void *)0x0000000105650800: objc_msgSend
    0x106325561 <+892>:  callq  *%rbx
    0x106325563 <+894>:  movq   0x93cb76(%rip), %rsi      ; "initWithFrame:"
..... // 省略

看到这里小伙伴不要害怕,吃口粑粑冷静一下。我不是要大家看每一句话是什么意思,大家可以注意一下每一行最后又Button关键字的地方,会发现一堆我们平时没见过的一些Button,如UIPopoverButton, UIRoundedRectButton, UINavigationButton, UITexturedButton, _UIPlacardButton以及_UIShortPlacardButton等。至少我们发现了我们所说的private的私有类,那么我们就可以知道其实这里的UIButton是一个类簇。





  • 首先要定义好抽象基类
  • 其次需要指明子类需要重写的方法
  • 最后提供一个比较好的文档说明方面其他人读写



如有问题或纠正, 可以联系@叫什么都不如叫Pluto-Y或在Github

Pluto Y

Pluto Y

嗨,我叫章龙华,一名由Java EE转到iOS的程序猿。不断的修行与前进,喜欢学习新的知识,寻找志同道合之人。不断努力着,为了明天的更轻松。